Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The last several months

Its been so long since I updated that i forgot my sign in name! Aye Aye Aye!! Well things have been good for us. Molly is getting oh so big! She gives kisses and high fives and says "hi dada!" I tell her to say "mama" to which she replies "DADA" every time..oh well. Andy has been working hard painting. I'm still working Thursday-Saturday at the spa. Softball starts soon which im really excited about! :) I missed most of last year because it was too hot to take Molly outside when she was a newborn.

Here are some pictures and a little bit about what we have been doing over the last several months.

Sad Super Bowl :(
We went to a super bowl party at our friends Jesse and Krista Aguirres house. I was extra excited this year because the steelers made it!! Me and Molly got all decked out ready to cheer them on. (Andy is not a Steelers fan..he says he isnt a big NFL fan..but really I think he is just too embarrassed to admit he is a browns fan..just sayin). My friend Crystal helped me make an awesome cake for the occasion! She started decorating cakes a few months ago and has been doing an awesome job!

We took a trip to PA at the end of February to surprise Mom for her 50th birthday. She didn't know we were coming and we surprised her at the party.
Karen made a cupcake tower and these amazing cupcakes! I made little toppers with pictures that Grandma sent me of mom when she was little. Everyone said she looked so much like Molly in the pictures :)

That weekend was the first time we spent the night away from Molly. Andy's parents took her for the night. Andy said he missed her but then he remembered that we didn't have to feed her, give her a bath, change diapers, or put her to bed. She did great with Grandpa & Grandpa and it was nice to have a night off.

Molly got to spend time with her Great Grandma Mast.

she tried to take grandma for a ride

We took Molly around the farm to watch her Grandma Mast make Maple Syrup, and Grandma Mast milk the cows.

Something else that has been keeping me busy is my etsy shop. I've been making headbands for Molly since she was born and about a month ago i decided to open up my own little shop.
My site is
Here are a few i've made so far